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Monday, March 12, 2012

4G on iPhone

iPhone owners who upgrade their devices iOs 5.1 as noted in the status bar displays the label '4 G '.
Although many enthusiastically say that the device is now possible to run the network, closer ones know it is not possible and that can not be achieved by upgrading the software.

The new label appears when using the network of U.S. mobile operator AT & T, though it is not about real 4G network. This development of the situation following the announcement that AT & T late last year notified the Co-Aple the possibility of displaying the label 4G device.

For now the only Apple device that runs on 4G networks has recently launched iPad.


  1. Nice trolling from Apple

  2. Y'know I've read before that 3G and 4G, up until now, hasn't been true 3G and/or 4G speeds.

    Huh...still, this reeks of Apple-trolling indeed.

  3. Well, thanks for this XD

  4. I guess we can say "Scumbag Apple"

  5. I reckon it's because of all the jokes about "how come when I buy iPhone 4, it still says 3G", although they're douchebags for marking it up.

  6. im not sure if 4g is useful in mobile phones

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